Weigent-Hogan Neighborhood Association

Be Involved in Guiding Weigent-Hogan’s Future

Fast Facts!

What does WHNA stand for?

“With the spread of residential development and an increasing population came a need for a new school. A number of locations were discussed, but geography and the willingness of successful grocery wholesaler James J. Hogan to donate land for the a school resulted in the selection of a site between Mississippi and Winnebago Streets, and East Avenue and 19th Street.

Click here for the full story of James J. Hogan and the Hogan School from the archives of the La Crosse Public Library.

“Weigent Park is a lovely park on Cass Street (between 15th and 16th streets) that enhances the neighborhood with a softball field, tennis courts, playground equipment and green space. It was once the site of a public school building… The building was razed the summer of 1972 and the space was transformed into Weigent Park, which opened in 1977. The park was named for Walter “Babe” Weigent, retired athletic director and football coach at Central High School.”

Click here for the full story from the archives of the La Crosse Public Library. Additional information can be found through City of La Crosse Parks by clicking here.

When was WHNA created?

In 2013 a group of WHNA residents worked with the city to sponsor an ice cream social to gauge interest in forming a neighborhood association. Over 100 people attended. People expressed interest in forming an association and the rest is history! We elected our first officers in 2014.

How Large is WHNA?

Approximately 5,700 citizens live in the Weigent-Hogan neighborhood.

How many drinking fountains are in the neighborhood? 

To the best of our knowledge, there are two. One is near the southeast corner of Weigent Park. The other is at 19th and Market.

Are there any historical markers?

There are two significant markers in or near Weigent Park. Check the northeast and southwest corners! If you know of any other historical markers or plaques, please let us know!

Where are all the Free Little Libraries?

Click here for a map of your area you can interact with.

How many trees has WHNA donated? 

Through the use of CIP funding, WHNA donated 100 in 2018/2019. Trees were donated again in 2021.

How big is Weigent Park? 

Weigent Park takes up one full city block. The park features a tennis court, gaga ball pit, new play structure, a modern shelter, two ball diamonds, a large open grassy area for pick-up field sports and a quiet area for sitting and enjoying nature.

Why is Weigent-Hogan shaped the way it is (Massachusetts)?

The City Planning Department determined our boundaries. The southern border of Weigent-Hogan follows State HWY 33, which dips southeast. It is a ‘natural’ boundary due to higher traffic.

Are there any streets made of brick or pavers instead of asphalt or concrete? 

The 400 block of 20th St. was made of brick but it was paved over in the 90’s.

Does WHNA have any rapid flashing beacons to help us cross busy streets?

Yes! WHNA used some of its Community Improvement Program funding to install a rapid flashing beacon at Cass and 21st St. It helps kids get safely to school and adults cross a busy street on their daily walks. A second crossing beacon was installed on State Road, near 20th St.

What neighborhoods border Weigent-Hogan?

GENA to the north, Bluffside to the east, Holy Trinity Longfellow to the south and Washburn to the west.

Does Weigent-Hogan have any traffic circles (similar to roundabouts)?

There is a traffic circle at 19th and Madison streets and several on the 17th Street greenway between Cass and Jackson streets.

Why did WHNA form?

The biggest issue when WHNA first formed was concern over the ash trees being cut down and no plans for replacement trees. The natural environment continues to be an important value for WHNA residents.

Who were the first officers of the Association?

Co-chairs: Kristie Neve and Carla Pena, Secretary: Jan Jolly, Treasurer: Linda Lee.